CoNvEy yOuR ThOuGhTz..

sEPeRaTiStS Untouched Feelings ... Dramatism in KaShMiR with killing of youths.

arE thesE PrOgRaMeS Of sePeRAtIstS GonA SoLvE ThE KaShMiR IsSuE .wAt aBoUt tHe rEvoLuTiOn oF 2008..

ArE wE sTILL doInG rIghT tO sUppOrT pARallElIsM.

lOve,SeX ChAnGE aNd dHoKhA In SrInAgAr .cHeCk oUt In gOoGlE SeArCh bElOw. ChEcK OuT AmBaNi cRossInG OvEr eUrOpEaNs

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


LIFE Is Indeed the greatest power that exists, but it has no wish to destroy human beings. The difficulties and obstacles placed on their path are meant to strengthen them, not destroy them, and it is up to them to win the support of the life force by learning to work with it.